We serve steaks of Kobe Beef,
one of the three major Japanese beef varieties,
and Halal-certified Wagyu Beef.
We can also accommodate a little late lunch or a little early dinner.
We look forward to serving you for a meal between trips or sightseeing.
We serve Yamagata beef and Yonezawa beef, which we have tested and selected from brand-name beef from all over Japan.

Wagyu steak set         ¥4,500~
   Inculudes an "Wagyu beef steak, Side dish, Steamed rice, Miso soup,"

京都府京都市中京区東魚屋町177-1 2F
TEL : 075-744-0325
Near : Nishiki-market, Gion, 

-Sister Restaurants-
京都府京都市東山区清水2丁目258 2F
TEL : 075-708-7511
Near : Kiyomizu-dera temple
奈良県奈良市春日野町16 夢風ひろば
TEL : 0742-27-0753
Near : Nara park, Todaiji temple